Symptoms Of A BMW Valve Cover Gasket Leak

bmw valve cover gasket leak symptoms

Your BMW valve cover gasket is a very important component to running your BMW safely and smoothly.

But it can be overlooked very easily in the regular maintenance process. However, it is very important to consider the significance of this component and also the risk factors to keep running your BMW with proper safety.

A leaking BMW valve cover means there will be an oil shortage in the engine which will cause decreased lubrication, engine overheating, and increased friction of inner components, ultimately causing immense internal engine damage.

And, you should always be aware of the small oil leakage problem, because it can turn into a nightmare very soon if not fixed. The valve cover gasket is the common culprit in oil leaking.

So, today we’ll learn about the BMW valve cover gasket leak symptoms, so we can fix that as soon as possible. (before it starts to damage the engine)

So, let’s delve right into it.

What Is A BMW Valve Cover Gasket?

The valve cover gasket is a piece of silicon or rubber, that seals the gap between the valve cover and the cylinder head.

This prevents the oil from leaking outside and any contaminants from entering the engine.

However over time with high temperatures the gasket cracks or damage, which results in leaking oil from the valve cover.

So, now let’s look at the symptoms you’ll notice if your valve cover gasket is leaking.

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Symptoms Of BMW valve cover gasket Leak

So, basically, there could be many symptoms & signs indicating your BMW’s valve cover gasket is leaking. And we’ve described the common symptoms below:

1. Visible Oil Leaks

You’ll notice oil leakage around the valve cover, and onto different parts of the engine when you pop up your hood.

This is a very common symptom where the oil leakage on the valve cover suggests a possible valve cover gasket failure. But sometimes the gasket can leak in the rear of the engine, which makes it very difficult to detect.

And, when it’s been leaking for some time, it’ll drip all the way to the ground and you’ll see dark brown stains on your driveway under the engine bay.

If your oil is leaking without noticing, then your vehicle will run very low on oil, which will result in multiple internal damage.

So, you should always do regular inspections (at least once a month) to catch oil leakage early and fix that to maintain your BMW reliability.

2. Burning Smell

When your valve cover gasket is leaking, the oil will spread across other hot components in your engine bay.

And, when your car is running and the engine leaks and drops on the hot cylinder head or exhaust manifold, it’ll result in a bad, strong unpleasant burning smell.

If you get this unpleasant burning smell from your engine bay, it is important you get you’re vehicle inspected by a professional.

3. Overheating engine 

Basically, there are various reasons that your engine is overheating, due to low levels of coolant, the engine running for too long with heavy pressure, etc.

However, if the overheating issue is happening constantly, the possible reason is your oil level is very low because your valve cover gasket is leaking oil.

And, if the engine overheating happens constantly without fixing it, it may result in severe engine damage and other related components.

So, if you’re engine is also overheating you should get it inspected by a professional.

4. Low Engine Oil

It is normal to have low oil levels when your valve cover gasket is leaking.

So, if you notice a constant low oil level & get it fixed by a professional to preserve your BMW’s longevity & reliability.

5. Irregular oil change schedules

This will be a very noticeable symptom where you have to change your oil more frequently than usual.

So, you’re typically aware of the regularity & schedule for oil changes. When the irregular oil changes occur, it’s basically the result of oil leakage from the valve cover gasket.

And, in this case, you should inspect your vehicle for any oil leakage from the valve cover gasket. If you’re not a DIY person, you should seek professional help.

6. Smoke From The Engine Bay

When the leaking oil from the valve cover gasket drips into hot engine components, it results in smoke from the engine bay.

If you see smoke coming from under your hood, then pull over on the side safely and turn off the engine immediately. Then contact your dealership/auto shop and get it fixed.

And don’t drive your car in this situation, just tow your car to the dealership or Autoshop.

If you drive in this situation it may cause the engine to overheat and more serious engine damage.

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7. Misfires & Rough Idling

Misfires & rough idling are other common reasons you’ll face when the valve cover gasket starts to leak.

When the oil leaks from the valve cover gasket, it leaks into the spark plug wells and causes spark plug malfunction. So, basically, the spark plug bore has a gasket, to prevent valve train area oil from reaching the spark plugs.

But this gasket also tends to fail as the valve cover gasket and the oil drip into the spark plug. Then the oil penetrate into the combustion chamber or malfunctions the ignition coil-spark plug connection.

This ultimately causes misfires, rough idling, a noticeably reduced performance, and other symptoms in your car.

If you face these issues it’s best to get your car inspected & fixed by a professional.

What can cause a valve cover gasket leak?

There can be multiple reasons which can cause the valve cover gasket to leak. One of the common reasons is that with constant engine heat, the gasket gets worn down over time.

With time and all the constant heat the gasket material starts to microtear and eventually fail completely.

There can be other reasons like mechanical faults while installation, Using Low-Quality Gaskets, overfilling of engine oil, extremely harsh driving conditions, etc.


So, the cause for a failed valve cover gasket could be many different things however, when you inspect any of the following symptoms of an oil leak on your BMW, contact your dealership or authorized Autoshop.

They will be the best to guide you through the further procedure from letting them diagnose your vehicle, to replacing the valve cover gasket, to any other component replacement or fixes.

So, I hope you understand the relevancy of the symptoms and take the suggested option to save yourself from any catastrophic engine damage problem.

Best of luck with maintaining your BMW in its best condition and enjoy the ultimate beast.


How do I know if my BMW valve cover gasket is leaking?

There are multiple ways of checking if your BMW valve cover gasket is leaking. First, you should visually inspect the valve cover and engine bay area. Or if you notice very irregular or frequent oil changes, engine overheating, and a burning smell these are possible oil leakage symptoms.

Is a leaking valve cover gasket dangerous?

A valve cover gasket leaking can be very dangerous, however, it doesn’t cause any sudden damage. If the oil leakage is not fixed for a long time, it will cause the engine to overheat and result in severe internal engine damage.

Can you drive a BMW with a bad valve cover?

Yes, you can, but it’s not recommended to drive a BMW with a bad valve cover. Because it will result in oil splashing, and any contaminants may enter the engine. Which will ultimately result in engine damage and risky situations on the road.

Can I drive with a leaking valve cover gasket? 

Yes, you can however it’s not recommended to drive your car with a leaking valve cover gasket. As it may result in engine overheating, inefficiencies, and potentially severe internal engine damage.

Image Credit: Google Image

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